
Full Version: Venting
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Growing up I always wonder why God didn't love me. Everyone around me was so happy, but the pain that someone gave me made me hate life. Growing up I didn't have friends, didn't leave the house and pretty much didn't do anything. I found the love of my life, but things kept going up and down job wise. One day I prayed and prayed and I got a job working on Movies/TV shows, then god said quit your job and go after you dream. Well, the dream didn't go as plan and I was jobless for awhile. I was so sad that I lost myself, but for some reason I kept leaving my life to faith . Why would I do that? idk. I kept looking like a fool to everyone. Then I started to see spirits . They are my friends. Soon after nature started to vibe with me and I became one with the trees and creatures around me. I kept questioning why did I go on this path, and I still wonder that now. This game bring me so much joy, so I do love you guys for making my life a little better. Today a voice said you did a great job and everything will fall in place, but you must do one last thing. I said , "what is it?". The voice replied back , "Just keep the faith and prove everyone wrong. Someone was talking shit about me and the spirit said, " You are protected ". Right after something happened to the girl that was talking shit right after the spirit said that. I don't know what this world is, but I truly believe that if you vibe to a positive energy and know you are protected then good things will flow around you. Social media and the way life is can cause us to forget, but please remember that you are safe and you are bless. You are a creator. So create your life by wording what you want, because someone is listening . Have a bless night everyone.
Thats deep.