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Will it be this year or next?

We should keep a player card of the last season so people can Flex on their hardwork!
I'm kind of surprised Starrk hasn't done it yet. I know he's out of town until November, so I'll ask him when he gets back!
(10-22-2022, 05:20 AM)leaderfirestar Wrote: [ -> ]I'm kind of surprised Starrk hasn't done it yet. I know he's out of town until November, so I'll ask him when he gets back!

I pray he has a fun/safe vacation!! I gotta start doing missions thenĀ  Confused
There's playercard update coming and some other small stuff. I'm not sure about a full reset yet
(10-23-2022, 07:52 PM)Starrk Wrote: [ -> ]There's playercard update coming and some other small stuff. I'm not sure about a full reset yet

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