
Full Version: Background music?
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Can the game have some background music for the menu or in battle? Just get something that you think fits the vibe of the game (and isn't copyrighted).
There already is on the client. On android and website version there's no music sadly because the music doubled the game size and I'd rather have the game run faster than having music.

For example the music made the browser version on mobile crash the browser, but I removed it and it loads now, now there's a different issue where people cannot press on the input field to type in username and password and that will be the next fix, if that is fixed people can finally play on mobile via browser.

So yeah, music took too much space, but theres still music in the Client (downloadable pc version)
(10-23-2022, 07:51 PM)Starrk Wrote: [ -> ]There already is on the client. On android and website version there's no music sadly because the music doubled the game size and I'd rather have the game run faster than having music.

For example the music made the browser version on mobile crash the browser, but I removed it and it loads now, now there's a different issue where people cannot press on the input field to type in username and password and that will be the next fix, if that is fixed people can finally play on mobile via browser.

So yeah, music took too much space, but theres still music in the Client (downloadable pc version)
Then this is either a really small game, or that was a really large music file.
Also, welcome back, hope you had some nice time off.