
Full Version: Nijyuu Shoutai - Recruitment 2022
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Pages: 1 2
Hmm this is interesting
kick cptkenpanchi off pls, dont feel safe with him here
(08-25-2023, 02:05 PM)Rai* Wrote: [ -> ]kick cptkenpanchi off pls, dont feel safe with him here

Good idea btw
what happened to the discord
I disbanded the clan Discord, because I wasn't able to give the powers to anyone, but I sure Egotist remade it.
(09-01-2023, 06:07 AM)Orihime Wrote: [ -> ]I disbanded the clan Discord, because I wasn't able to give the powers to anyone, but I sure Egotist remade it.

gonna miss u baka <3
Pages: 1 2