
Full Version: The Battle for Riruka
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(04-12-2023, 04:56 AM)ichi404 Wrote: [ -> ]ichi404 - Urahara

Do you mean Base Urahara or Kidou Urahara
ban: nnoitra jiruga
Atomb , menoly
Im in (Jadam)
Ban- Shiba Ganju
User: Demoo-
Banned Character: Ushoda Hachigen
ban: child nel
Username: Bwasmomf
Ban: Kidou Kira
Round 1
22 v 9
18 v 14
12 v 23
17 v 6
25 v 13
10 v 11
1 v 15
5 v 21
3 v 4
2 v 8

The rest of the numbers have a bye for this round. You have 2 days, goodluck!
[Image: fECMwZx.png]
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