
 - As Nodt
  • "F - The Fear" Duration increased to 3 turns
  • It's a bit difficult maintaining stacks for "Stolen Bankai: Eviscerate," so this should double as making that easier while making his regular form a little scarier to deal with

 - Ebern Asguiaro
  • "Fire Away" cost lowered to 1 blue 1 random
  • I think it's pretty clear what Ebern is supposed to do, but getting him started takes some effort, so this should lower that

 - Isshin Shiba
  • "Drive to Protect" damage reduction increased to 10 (on both himself and his ally)
  • The original sketch had this skill giving 15, which I thought would be a bit nuts considering how much damage he's capable of outputting. As such, I had nerfed it pre-release. As he stands now though, he does good damage, but chews through his own health, and he's a dying duck if he's stunned

 - Masaki Kurosaki
  • "Echt Blut Vene" is now invisible
  • Makes it a little harder to just be "ignored" when you use this skill

 - Quilge Opie
  • "Blut's" makes his damaging skills deal an addition 20 damage
  • "Crucifixion" cooldown lowered to 0
  • Smaller change. There was a communication error between the designer and I, but "Blut" was meant to boost the damage of skills he steals with his medallion. So, wording has changed. Want to make it clear as well that executes are not damaging skills, and therefore crucifixion will not be dealing 20 damage when "Blut" is in effect


 - Mahito
  • "Adaptive Transformation" only copies helpful invulnerability skills in the fourth slot
  • This was kind of the intention to begin with. I expected some minor shenanigans with "special" fourth skills, but completely forgot Sogyo No Kotowari exists and that his fourth skill is helpful. It's a helpful invulnerability skill as well, so in the spirit of fixing this synergy bloating Mahito's numbers, he's seeing a minor change as well


 - Sogyo No Kotowari
  • "Tag: You're It!" now targets all enemies.
  • As mentioned directly above, I'm not really meaning this as a nerf. Since this skill is still an invulnerability skill, the same issue was going to exist unless this skill changed. Sogyo will probably be seeing other changes in the future, so I'm not opposed to making this change now in favor of giving him a touch up at a later date

Random Tip:
I'm not sure the people who need the tips I give in here actually read the tips I put in here. On the off chance they do though, here's a reminder on the difference between invulnerability and ignoring damage. Being invulnerable means you cannot be targeted by a skill (the character won't light up and you can't click them). However, if a skill ignores invulnerability, they will suffer the effects of that skill, including damage. If you're ignoring damage, you can be clicked on by skills, but when it's time for damage to be dealt, the effect will refuse to let damage be applied to them, meaning they'll lose no health. Ignoring invulnerability won't change that

Noteworthy Bug Fixes:
  • Bankai Gin's "prep skills" can no longer be ignored
  • Niche interaction where Zommari Leroux's "Amor" would crash the server resolved
  • Fixed several issues with characters not counting for certain missions
  • Fixed several typos both in game and on selection screen for new characters (Sorry again about that, I will do my best to take my time with characters in the future to prevent as many of those as I can)
  • Fixed issue where older characters used "old" way of ignoring stuns that stopped working after I fixed another stun related interaction
  • Nirgge Parduoc's "Trunk Wrap" no longer boosts its own damage

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