Balance 2.14

 - Ishida Uryu
  • "Heavenly Wild Puppet Suit" cooldown reduced to 3 turns
  • These recent buffs have raised his play rate, but lowered his win rate. As such, he gets another buff

 - Kon
  • "High Speed Rush" now gives Kon 5 permanent destructible defense in addition to damaging the enemy
  • Some dd for the man who loves them it

 - Koga Kuchiki
  • "Illusionary Clone" duration extended to 3 turns
  • In a kit of all action/control skills, having an extra turn to do it all sneaky like is huge

 - Kyoko Haida
  • "Unfortunate Gift" can no longer be ignored
  • "Slay" will trigger "Cursed Aura" if it kills someone. Text was updated to show how damage is done
  • The how damage is done might change with her, as I have some ideas. I like it snowballing damage, I just don't have a short way of explaining how it works aside from the way I described

 - Kyouraku Shunsui
  • "Bushogoma" cooldown lowered to 1 turn

 - Ressurreccion Tousen
  • "Los Nueve Aspectos" damage increased to 25
  • "Bleak Darkness" Cooldown reduced to 4 turns
  • I didn't buff this guy after the drain change because I honestly thought his kit his still pretty strong (and I don't like him). That said, numbers aren't lying, so here's something to nudge him

 - Saru
  • "Heavy Arc" damage increased to 35
  • "Long-Range Approach" Duration reduced to 2 turns
  • Long duration bad. Shorter is probably still bad, just curious how it impacts her. Changes to this skill likely

 - Suzumebachi
  • "Flash Aura" Duration extended to the following 3 turns
  • More time to do stuff


 - Segunda Ulquiorra
  • "Cero Sneak" damage lowered to 15
  • It's a neat idea for a skill, but with stuns being as widely available as they are, it was basically 25 guaranteed damage for 1 random, which is nuts

 - Yukio Vorarlberna
  • "Invaders Must Die" cost increased to 1 random
  • The bad batch did Yukio some good. This was the first patch where he saw any real play, and as I mentioned there, I wasn't quite sure what to expect with regards to his strength. Y'all have made a few neat teams with him, which is great! I think slowing him down will reign him in to where he should be


 - Broly
  • "Grab" prevent-energy-gain effect only triggers on new harmful physical/energy skills
  • "Gigantic Hammer" cost lowered to 1 white
  • Speaking of nearly useless characters, Broly is finally at a spot where you can use him and maybe win the game too. Just a nudge here and I can hopefully forget he exists

Random Tip:
How does Yukio's "Save State Load" work, and when should I use it? Yukio tracks the state of each character at the end of each turn (your turn, and your opponent's) after effects are applied, but before their durations are lowered. More accurately, your team's state is tracked at the end of your turn, and the enemy's state is tracked when they end their turn, which has made the "revert 1 turn" do a lot of work for helping allies, while the uses for enemies hasn't been as clear.

Tracking a team's characters at the end of that player's turn means if your team takes damage or have a harmful effect put on you, you can load state to the last time your state was saved (the end of your last turn) and "heal." Everything there should be pretty obvious at this point

On top of health, Yukio also tracks the status of effects on you (specifically, their remaining duration, destructible defense, and damage reduction), and the status of your skills (their remaining cooldown and cost). This means that reverting state on an ally will also bring their cooldowns to the way they were at the end of your last turn. If this puts one of their skills on cooldown that you're trying to use, it won't execute, because it was on cooldown, so be careful when ordering your skills! This is also the reason why some people have been "Yukio'd," where they dump all of their damage into Yukio, he loads state, they do it again, and he loads state again. He has a 1 turn cooldown, but he reverts the state of the cooldown to when it wasn't on cooldown, so he could use it again, provided he gets the yellow energy

So when to use it on an ally is probably pretty obvious, when do you use it on an enemy though? Those of you who were paying attention realize that the state of the enemy team is captured when they pass their turn, so reverting state on them doesn't have the same impact as an ally. There are a few reasons you would want to that I can think of, all having to do with extending over-time skills and reverting effects that trigger as a result of your other attacks. For the first point, using yukio with nnoitra can extend the length of "Crescent Slash" by a turn, getting you 30 damage over 3 turns and 3 turns of them ignoring all helpful effects (which could be nice). The second case would be an interaction like Orihime's "Twin Heavenly Returning Shield." If you stun her while this skill is active, that enemy will immediately heal 15 health. then, you could use Yukio's "Save State Load" to revert that enemy's health to where it was when they passed their turn. Why would you do that, when you can deal 20 damage with Yukio's other skill? You tell me! Maybe you have an effect on that person you want to extend? The point is that any effect triggering because of something you do during your attack can be reverted if used properly.

Using it on an enemy is certainly a choice, and isn't as straight forward, so nobody would blame you for never using it on an enemy. That said, I kept the option there because there are a few times where it could make a difference, and I wanted to keep that on the table. Hopefully this all made sense!

Noteworthy Bug Fixes:
  • Aaroniero Arruruerie's "Manifestation" no longer removes effects that cannot be removed when he transforms into an enemy
  • Karin's "Goal" now correctly removes all stacks of "Take Aim" from her, and the extra damage from goal on the person she kicks
  • Final Aizen's "Surround, Obliterate" now correctly makes him go invulnerable on the turn it's used
  • Sasori's costs are calculated correctly when he gets spiked, and he no longer cannot use skills if he loses all helpful effects
  • Broly no longer makes people gain -1 energy if they were hit by 2 follow up attacks after he used "Grab"
  • Isshin's "Realm Fixation" no longer makes himself unable to be killed in addition to his ally
  • Isshin's "Burn, Engetsu" Now correctly makes "Getsuga Tenshou - Isshin" ignore invulnerability on subsequent turns after use while it's active
  • Minor performance benefits
  • Quick games *should* show up in match history now

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