Balance 2.16

Ayasegawa Yumichika:
  • "Blooming Flower" heal increased to 15
  • If your enemy doesn't have destructible defense or damage reduction, there's almost no reason to use this skill over "Empower." Now there's more of a choice

Hakuda Yamamoto:
  • "Fierce Grab" cost lowered to 1 random
  • "Double Bone" now stuns energy skills for 1 turn
  • After some extensive play testing, the verdict on this guy is "he's alright, tiny changes and he'll see more play"

  • "Fulfill" may now be used while active on himself or an ally to heal for 15 health
  • Some long and thought out statement that sounds really cool that says how much he needs a built in heal for his kit to have any rhyme/reason

  • "Awakening spirit" now grants Hozukimaru 5 permanent damage every 3 turns (instead of for just 1 turn). Ally effect unchanged
  • "Empowered Slash" cooldown lowered to 2 turns
  • "Tsuki-Tsuki Dance" now makes Hozukimaru invulnerable for 1 turn
  • "Amp" progresses the counter on "Awakening Spirit" by 1 turn and lowers all of Hozukimaru's active cooldowns by 1 turn
  • This is closer to the original vision of the character, but poorly worded explanation + frustration from trying to understand it lead to what we had before

  • "Weather Manipulation" only swaps to "Sennen Hyoro" while active
  • "Multi Headed Dragon" cooldown lowered to 1
  • "You Are My Master" may now be used to make Hyorinmaru invulnerable for 1 turn if there are no Hitsugayas present on his team
  • "You didn't do anything to his alt kit" I know I only had the patience to deal with one form this patch. "Weather Manipulation" is a strong skill, only being able to use it once sucked. "Multi headed Dragon" is objectively okay/good, but 2 turn cooldown is rough. No invul skill sucked. Base form might actually be viable now. Also the damage reduction from [i]"Weather Manipulation" was acting like destructible defense, but that bug was never reported or noticed as far as I'm aware because literally nobody was using this form of him[/i]

Ryujin Jakka:
  • "Phoenix Fire" now ignores invulnerability
  • "Infuse" will swap back to "Flame Tendrils" when the active "Flame Tendrils" ends
  • There have been times where "Phoenix Fire" would not spread after killing because the last enemy(s) was/were invulnerable. Because of this, it would fail to apply. Making it ignore invulnerability gets around that, and getting flame tendrils back seems like a no brainer thing that should have been done a while back

Sode No Shirayuki:
  • While "Icy Wind" is active, any enemy that targets her with a new harmful skill will gain 1 freeze counter

Yin and Yang:
  • "Screaming Sky Fire" will now damage after 3 turns
  • "Crackling Assault" damage increased to 15, will reduce the timer on "Screaming Sky Fire" by 1 turn if it's active on a target
  • "Static Body" Now counters the first harmful skill used on her
  • I left these effects out of her on release because I thought they'd be too strong. Her numbers suggest she needs help though, so why not


  • "The Super Saiyan" passive effects may only trigger once per turn
  • Damned if you focus him, damned if you don't. Now you don't have to worry about ramping the damage up by 15 points if you focus him

Demon Sado:
  • "Diablo Punch" cooldown increased to 2 turns
  • He's "suffered" from the same problem yoruichi was facing, where they both have a very clear skill rotation. In Sado's case, ignoring non-affliction damage for 2 turns allows him to pull some pretty shady shit. Hopefully this slows him back down enough to play nice with the rest of the characters

Hueco Mundo Kenpachi
  • While "Enormous Reiatsu Release" is active, Hueco Mundo Kenpachi can no longer reduce damage or become invulnerable
  • No more.

Iba Tetsuzaemon
  • "Sake" no longer grants energy when used while active
  • For a character like Iba who targets randomly, he needs to be strong. If I lower the damage and kill his 3 hit potential, he dies. He has no real defense, which makes me hesitant to remove his ignore. All that leaves is the guarantee that he's useful

Inner Ichigo
  • "Reiatsu Wave" cooldown increased to 2 turns
  • If you got good energy, you could use this skill twice in one ally takeover activation. Kinda nutty

Kurotsuchi Mayuri
  • "Ashisogi Poison Release" cooldown increased to 3 turns
  • Several of you might remember a few patches ago where I lowered the cooldown of this skill and increased the destructible defense it granted. I stand by the destructible defense change, but the frequency at which people are getting it has elevated his numbers a bit. While he wasn't quite in my red zone numbers wise this time, I think with the other heads rolling this patch, he would have found his way to the top

Resurreccion Yammy
  • No longer increments his rage counter while enraged
  • I wasn't quite sure what to make of this 2 years ago or however long ago we realized that he could gain stacks towards his next rage mode while raged. 2 years ago, he sucked ass, so it was ignored. However, at this point, I've had games where if I can get enraged, I'll get 1 or 2 more enrages pretty easy, because leaving rage mode I'd already have 5 or 6 stacks. This will slow down the rate at which he rages

Random Tip:
If an effect on your character was placed there by your character, it's considered a helpful effect. If your character places it on an enemy, it's a harmful effect!

Noteworthy Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed several issues with Yin and Yang not transforming, or transforming completely
  • Yin's "Crackling Assault" No longer damages the main target twice
  • Yang's "Forced Resurreccion" now does damage
  • Changing your title on the website works no, instead of changing ra1nh4rd's
  • Resurrecion Yammy's "Ultimate Cero" now properly stuns a character if they go invulnerable while taking damage
  • Tessai's increased damage effect is no longer removed when someone removes his stuns (It's been like 2 years, but this is finally fixed)

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