Balance 2.24

 - As Nodt
  • "F - The Fear" changed: "For 2 turns, any enemy who targets this character or their allies will take 5 affliction damage and be marked permanently. During this time, this character will have 5 unpiercable damage reduction." Affliction/Instant
  • "Reishi Thorns" now deals 10 damage, plus 5 for every mark on the enemy
  • "Impale's" stun condition removed
  • "Stolen Bankai: Murderscape" now marks the victim
  • "Stolen Bankai: Eviscerate" clarified to mean it does separate damage for each mark
  • The goal of the kit was to be annoying for AOE characters. The issue with it was that there were too many bizarre conditions tied to "F - The Fear" and with the effect being cost increase, no way of buffing it meaningfully without making it too strong. With the marks having clear purpose now, his base kit should feel stronger and "Stolen Bankai: Eviscerate" will now hurt consistantly

 - Bankai Ichigo
  • "Flash Step Combat" now lowers the cost of "Getsuga Tenshou" to 1 random for 1 turn
  • "Getsuga Tenshou" now lowers the cost of "Flash Step Combat" to 1 random for 1 turn
  • While his self preservation has been solid, he really suffers when he can't synergize his 2 skills. As such, it's now a little bit easier to pair them up

 - Bankai Komamura
  • "Heavenly Punishment" now grants 10 damage reduction to Bankai Komamura while active
  • Ever since the bug fix addressing the fact that he was doing extra damage to all enemies rather than the person he marked, this skill hasn't felt like it provides much value. As such, value

 - Giriko Kutzusawa
  • "Number Shot" now deals 10 affliction damage if the enemy uses a new strategic skill (up from 5)
  • A small middle finger to strategic skills

 - Gengar
  • "Will o Wisp" now lowers physical and energy damage the target deals by 50%
  • I wasn't even certain I wanted to buff this guy, but he smiled at me and I couldn't say no to that face

 - Ggio Vega
  • "Sabre-Teeth Projectiles" cost lowered to 1 red + 1 random
  • Since players now gain energy at the start of their turn and can't be drain locked, this skill has felt weird to consider using. It's good to reach a threshold, assuming you haven't reached 4 stacks. I have some other thoughts for this skill, but figured trying something small like this literally can't hurt

 - Jackie Tristian
  • "Dirty Disrupt" cost lowered to 1 white
  • "Sludge Armor" cooldown lowered to 2 turns
  • "Dirty Disrupt" was nerfed before the correct issue was addressed. Looking at where she sits now, I think it's safe to bring the cost back down to where it was. As for "Sludge Armor," this will give a little power back to the other kit

 - Katen
  • "Game Invitation" tasks can no longer be removed
  • She has one offensive skill with a cooldown. Quality of life

 - Kirikaze
  • "Sword Absoroption" now stuns the enemy (in addition to the other effects)
  • "Ground Impact" cost changed to 2 red, cooldown lowered to 1 turn
  • Glory to the moo cow

 - Pre Ascension Aizen
  • "Absolute Hypnosis's" healing + extra damage effect now works on all new harmful damage
  • TLDR affliction damage now amps this skill. For a little while now, this has been the weakest form of Aizen, and this little nudge will give a gentle nudge. I still firmly believe he's a solid character, hence the tiny overall change

 - Saru (and Hebi)
  • "Long Range Approach" cost lowered to 1 red
  • The Zanpakuto batch was weird

 - Szayel Aporro Granz
  • "Fraccion Call" damage increased to 20
  • "Ally Consumption" healing increased to 25
  • These skills both got nerfed instead of "Reiatsu Nullification" a couple of years ago. When the nerf hammer finally hit that skill, Szayel has been a little rough to try and use. As such, I'm giving back some of his lost power

 - Yachiru Kusajishi
  • "Face Stomp" damage increased to 15
  • "Dangerous Stare" cooldown lowered to 2
  • "Dangerous Stare" is now a more reliable skill to consider using against low cost spam. As a bonus, her damage output is slightly better now too

 - Zaraki Kenpachi
  • "Eyepatch Removal" will increase bloodlust's damage reduction by 10% (if it's active) when gaining an energy. The percentage still cannot go over 80.
  • Small quality of life change to help him power up if he's being ignored. To clarify, the initial use of this skill will not increase the damage reduction. Only the second use and beyond (when he would be gaining energy for using this skill)


 - Hozukimaru
  • "Beast Jab" now only deals 5 extra damage for every 25 missing health
  • Boy I'm tired of the pattern of buffing and nerfing this guy. I want him to do damage, but like, not what he's been doing. This should kill the 50 health threshold that was easy to reach with his s1

 - Ichimaru Gin
  • "Sword Barrage" cost changed to 1 white
  • Action/control skills are pretty nasty when paired with any form of damage amplification. Especially so when the skill costs only a random energy

 - Resurreccion Yammy
  • "Self-Rage" cooldown increased to 1, now grants 2 rage points
  • A net-zero change to how quickly he can rage, simply halving the number of boosts he can give his other skills with this one


 - Dangai Ichigo
  • "Physical Shatter" rework: "This skill makes Dangai Ichigo invulnerable for one turn." This is now his fourth skill. "Become Getsuga" is now his second skill, and "Mugetsu" is now his third skill
  • More quality of life than anything. Arguably more useful in many cases, though in the niche circumstances where you'd want the original effect, well, there's a reason I categorized this as a tweak. It is meant to feel like a buff

 - Hueco Mundo Byakuya
  • "Destructive Spell #1: Thrust" cooldown lowered to 0. Damage lowered to 20
  • I hate the thought of a direct buff to this guy, as in the right hands, he's already scary. That said, he's sat a little low for a little too long now, while still seeing play. I don't want him to fall into the 25 + 25 + 50 strategy, hence the damage change. I might tweak the effect from this skill at some point to if it seems like he needs it, but I'm sure you'll (not) forgive me for electing to hold off when I had so many other characters to touch 

Random Tip:

Noteworthy Bug Fixes:
  • Ebern Asguiaro's "Ebern's Medallion" no longer counters allies
  • Kurosaki Masaki's "Sacred Volley" correctly pierces
  • As Nodt's "Stolen Bankai: Murderscape" grants the correct destructible defense
  • As Nodt's "Stolen Bankai: Shredding Wave" damage over time lasts the correct duration
  • Senbonzakura's "Barricade" now interacts correctly with "Slaughterscape"
  • Kurosaki Masaki's "Hollow Bait™" race condition fixed
  • As Nodt's "Bankai Theft" no longer classified as energy behind the scenes
  • Fixed issues with Yukio Vorarlberna's "Save State Load" not correctly reassigning references to state loaded effects and skills, causing them to not work in some conditions
  • Kyoko Haida's "Slay" and "Unfortunate Gift" now correctly enable/disable each other
  • Mahito's "Spirit Body: Black Flash" now correctly classified as strategic
  • Bankai Hitsugaya's "Ice Puppet" now works, and cannot be used while active
  • Aisslinger Wernarr's "Trap Room - Flak Boulder" skill change now happens on the correct effect behind the scenes, which now correctly applies to the victim to prevent instances of the victim having "Boulder Destruction" as their skillset for the rest of the game
  • Shiba Kuukaku's "Destructive Spell Thunder Roar Cannon" now correctly categorized as energy
  • Runuganga's "Sand Vortex" can no longer be active on multiple enemies
  • Mila Rose's "Headhunter" now correctly ends when she dies
  • Fixed global issue with effects that would swap skills incorrectly leaving characters stuck with one skillset when an even number of the skill swap effects were active on them
  • Fixed bizzare issues with Kurotsuchi Mayuri's "Rip, Ashisogi Jizou" stunning the enemy for an inconsistent number of turns
  • Koga Kuchiki's "Raging Light Fang" no longer deals double damage to enemies ignoring stuns
Dangai Ichigo doenst appear in game after finished his mission, The Great Finale. What can I do?
(04-15-2024, 05:22 PM)llucc4ss Wrote: Dangai Ichigo doenst appear in game after finished his mission, The Great Finale. What can I do?

Check the other thread, I replied there. He had a massive issue with his kit not working correctly, so I temporarily disabled him while I fixed him. He should be usable again!
Since the boards, doesnt have Balance thread, so I'll post there.

Nerf this Mahito and Rudbornn combo, because it is really annoying to deal with starter characters impossible to beat.

Suggestion for nerf:

[Image: hDCivD2.png]

Grow, Arbol

This skill cannot be copied by allies, or used to be on allies.

[Image: eAa5hJS.png]

Adaptive Transformation

This skill cannot copy "Rudbornn's Fourth" skill.
Avy by Me
NS CLan Leader Tag
[Image: hololive-shirakami-fubuki.gif]

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