Balance 2.7
Noteworthy Game Mechanic stuff:

 - Executes
  • Executes are now treated like harmful effects. Executes are skills that don't deal damage, but rather kill the target. This includes Soifon's "Sting all Enemies to Death, Suzumebachi," Wonderweiss's "Backstab," and Dangai Ichigo's "Mugetsu."
  • I'm pretty certain I updated everyone's text and tooltips to reflect whether or not they ignore executes.

 - Remove Destructible Defense
  • Removing destructible defense is now considered a harmful effect. Skills that remove destructible defense include Hiyori's "Sweeping Cero," GanteBainne's "Electric Punch," and Fullbringer Sado's "Hyper Charge."
  • Removing and destroying dd are 2 different things. If an enemy is ignoring harmful effects, you can still destroy their dd as you would normally. This only effects the "remove"

 - Remove all Helpful/Harmful Effects
  • These 2 mechanics are also treated as helpful/harmful effects. Hachigen's "Standing Ovation," Kidou Urahara's "Suspended Seal Destruction," and Hisagi's "Binding Spell #62: Hundred Steps Fence" are all example of skills this affects.
  • Removing Helpful/Harmful checks 2 things now. If you're ignoring harmful remove effects (removing helpful effects), none of your effects will be removed. If you aren't ignoring helpful removes, all of your effects that can be removed will be (since some specifically say they cannot be removed)

As y'all can guess, this will benefit/hurt some characters that aren't explicitly called out in the next section. I put a good chunk of time into getting these working correctly, forgive me that the next section is small : )


 - Ashisogi Jizo
  • "Poison Gas Chamber" base damage increased to 20
  • This character's "Paralyzing Blades" makes me want to suck start a shotgun. For this fact, buffing him doesn't thrill me. However, there's no denying that it doesn't make him good enough to be seen everywhere

 - Gegetsuburi
  • "Bulk-up" energy cost lowered to 1 yellow
  • Unless your enemy is running aoe, nobody is going to intentionally hit this guy while "Bulk Up" is active, meaning you're paying a yellow and a random to heal 10 and get 10 dd. How about no?

 - Gonryomaru
  • "Thunder Crash Down" base damage increased to 15
  • If you think I'm going to revert his nerf, you can think again

 - Hakuda Yamamoto
  • "Single Bone" now reduces the target's max health by 20
  • "Disarmed Stance" now removes the stun that triggers its effect
  • I like the reduced max health mechanic, it can be great for punishing some healy teams. Also, his passive removing the stun that hit him should let him be a little more relevant

 - Sasori
  • "Tail Strike" no longer deals 5 permanent affliction damage. Instead, it permanently increases the damage the target takes from Sasori by 5
  • This dude has 6 skills in 2, and 4 of them don't fit into SA very well. My thinking is this makes his s3 sort of worth using I guess? He needs more love, but I dumped a lot of time into the mechanic stuff in the previous section and something in the tweak section


 - Dondochakka
  • "Summon Bawabawa" duration reverted to 2 turns
  • The idea for the buff originally was to give him better utility for his team. As it turns out, his utility is already pretty solid, he just wasn't the flavor of the month character

 - Jiroubou Ikkanza
  • "Flap Away" now ends when he dies
  • "Butcher" cooldown increased to 1
  • I'm not sure if it was the Dondochakka buff or what, but people flocked to this guy. If y'all recall, he was doo-doo before buffs, so I'm not reverting the ones I thought were meaningful enough to make him not terrible, but rather slowing him down a little bit

 - Rudbornn Chelute
  • "Surround and Eliminate" damge lowered back to 15. Only the first person who attacks him each turn will be stunned
  • Let's (me, not y'all. I'm tired of listening to y'all bitch about him) talk about Rudbornn for a moment. For 18 months, this dude sat in the same state he had been. Then, I buffed his damage by 5. Holy shit, he might be the buggiest character in this game. In fixing one of his bugs, the person targeted by "Surround and Eliminate" could be stunned by attacking him, which made him even stronger. Some of the thresholds y'all "discovered" still existed with 15 damage a turn as well, so I think I successfully put him on the radar and evaluated his strength

 - Sode No Shirayuki
  • "Dance of the white lady" no longer gives a blue energy on use
  • Can I just express how happy I am that she's not terrible anymore? It's a sign that maybe the zanpaktou batch is salvageable. Anyway, she could ramp into her s2 a little too easy, and make it considerable harder to do anything

 - Arturo Plateado
  • His skills now cycle the way you would expect
  • This is kind of a big change, and the other effort I dumped a lot of time into this patch. Assuming there's no huge game-breaking flaw with this, this is the way he will work from now on
  • Each skill "slot" (1-4) now cycles to the next skill that it says. This means you can have multiple oh his skills available at the same time. Previously when his skills swapped, they would just switch places, meaning only 1 of each of his skills could be usable
  • I'm sure there will be some logic fucked with this, since I had to jerry-rig the mechanic into the engine. Be patient, I'll fix problems as they come up

 - Dangai Ichigo
  • "Zangetsu Slash" can no longer be copied by Muramasa
  • Muramasa just can't use the skill, and unlike the other skills he can't use when copying, this one isn't as easy a fix. Once I fix it, I'll revert this change

Random Tip: Make sure when passing your turn that you're ordering your skills optimally. you can click and drag your skill icons to tell the game which you want to use first. Skills like Don Kanoji's Kannonball require the target to be damaged after being hit by Kannonball. If you use your other damage first, they won't be stunned! This applies to many other interactions in the game, be sure you read carefully and react accordingly!

Noteworthy Bugfixes:
  • Adult Nel's "Declare, Gamuza" tooltip fixed to say "Lanzador Verde" does increased damage
  • Haineko's "Growl, Haineko" no longer damages attackers if the target is ignoring helpful effects
  • Jiroubou's "Flap Away" now gets bonus damage calculated in
  • Fixed hardcoded mess that kept removing Bankai Mayuri's "Poison Gas" when he died. It also checks if the affected person is ignoring harmful effects before applying the poison to someone using a helpful skill on them
  • Kyoko Haida's "Slay" should be able to be used after using it if she's still applying stacks of "Unfortunate Gift"
  • Zomarri's "Sovereignty" is now correctly classified as affliction damage when calculating bonus damage
  • Jiroubou's "Armor of Shuriken" no longer ignores invulnerability
  • Shawlong's "Snip, Tijereta" no longer iterates on itself when giving dd
  • Edrad's "Spiritual Punch" destructible defense is now classified as helpful
  • Rudbornn Chelute's "Surround and Eliminate" can be removed. The target can now stun themselves when attacking Rudbronn while it's active. It also no longer cancels itself if he's invulnerable to friendly skills. It also no longer completely removes when removing stun skills
  • Rudbornn Chelute's "Grow, Arbol" can no longer be used when active. It also gives him the correct destructible defense. It also can be removed. The tooltip also goes away when he dies
  • Bankai Hitsugaya's "Frozen Funeral" now disappears after doing damage if he kills himself casting it
  • Control Skill tooltips shoudl now disappear correctly when the target goes invul or the caster is stunned
  • Bankai Komomura's skills now deal extra damage correctly. His "Heavenly Punishment" no longer triggers if the enemy is ignoring harmful effects
  • Runuganga's "Sand Vortex" correctly ends when he's stunned. It also applies damage when reapplying, and stuns. It also no longer ends if he's invulnerable to friendly skills
  • Tobiume's "Blazing Bells" checks if she's ignoring helpful effects before damaging the caster
  • Senbonzakura's "Slaughterscape" now works like an instant should
  • Dondochakka's "Summon Bawabawa" no longer heals allies that are invulnerable to friendly skills
  • Being unable to reduce damage or become invulnerable now also applies to being invulnerable to friendly skills
  • Affliction damage skills across all characters (I think) are now correctly calculating bonus damage (bonus damage can be negative)
  • Pesche's "Cero Sincretico" reduced energy cost is now classified as helpful
  • Vizard Mask effects now apply even if you're immune to friendly skills
  • Fullbringer Sado's "Hyper Charge" no longer deals piercing damage
  • Orihime's "Twin Heavenly Returning Shield" now heals on both turns

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