Balance 2.6.1
Hey all, hotfix balance changes inbound with some bugfixes


 - Final Form Uryu
  • "Spirit Particle Subjugation" change reverted, back to 4 stacks and 1 cooldown
  • "Quincy Final Kojaku Shot" damage lowered to 35
  • This was my original plan, but the idea for 2 stacks was interesting, and I was curious to see how he feels with it. It feels bad, man


 - Hueco Mundo kenpachi
  • "Eyepatch Loss" cooldown increased to 2
  • Counter into unkillable into counter.... This dude doesn't die unless you stun him. He can always have the kendo slam ready. Now he has to work a little bit

 - Yachiru Kusajishi
  • "I Can Help!" can now only trigger once per turn on each affected character
  • "Dangerous Stare" reduced damage now takes effect after damage is dealt. Yachiru no longer gains bonus damage
  • Before this, every attack triggered it. Ryuuken, who does 20 damage and 20 damage, triggered it twice. He'd deal a net 10 damage and give her 2 free energy in the process. If his damage was lowered by her "Dangerous Stare," he'd do 0 damage

Apologies for how scuffed this patch was, there were a lot of bugs. I rushed a bit more than I should have to get this patch for you guys. I'll do better to double check myself to prevent as many issues from happening in the future

Noteworthy Bug Fixes (Not related to issues with the balance):
  • Hisagi's "Explosive Bands" now revert
  • Sode No Shirayuki's "Second Dance" no longer applies a freeze counter

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