Good Mid-Ladder Menace Morning
2/3 Fifth Battle
Opponent: ArthurLannister, Hogyoku
Opponent's team: Omaeda, Hichigo, Rukia
Result: Win, Surrender
Thoughts: Exactly how much of that team was reliant on Inner Ichigo's Bankai?

2/3 Sixth battle; Back to ladder grinding-ish because streak is no longer required
Opponent: Kurosakysfuckyou (hey that name looks fermiliar), Fullbringer
Opponent's team: Menos Grande, Gantenbaine, Rangiku
Result: Loss, All characters dead
Thoughts: I got a bad deal and needed more yellow energy.

2/3 Seventh Battle
Opponent: Ieatfood23, Mugetsu
Oponent's Team: Ururu, Jinta, Rukia
Result:Loss, All characters dead
Thoughts: Wait how did Nnoitra's skill get removed? And why is the stun cycle working?

2/3 eighth battle
Opponent: SirNoon, Espada
Opponent's team: TLA Chad, Aisslinger, Kirikaze
Result: Victory, all characters dead
Thoughts: I got 139xp! That's more than normal! I'm gonna finish getting hm Kenpachi now, and will make my next report Monday.

Team: Res Yammy, Senna, Shinji
Result: Loss, all characters dead
Thoughts: Now I know why Wandenreich rejected me. I got my ass handed to me.
[Image: 200w.webp?cid=ecf05e474mnofxr1fclj275ut6....webp&ct=g]

Messages In This Thread
RE: Good Mid-Ladder Menace Morning - by Kostas - 11-28-2022, 07:51 PM
RE: Good Mid-Ladder Menace Morning - by Literally_Rock_Lee - 02-03-2023, 01:37 PM

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