Forum Rules
1. Do not spam.
2. Do not flame.
3. Do not harass.
4. Do not double or multi post.
5. Do not flood.
6. Do not swear/cuss excessively. Changing letters in the word into numbers or symbols still counts.
7. Do not post/link any explicit material containing sexual, racist or disturbing/upsetting content.
8. Do not link to any form of pirating or make any illegal transactions on the forums.
9. Do not publicly trade accounts.
10. Do not scam.
11. Do not impersonate any regular or staff member.
12. Do not rip.
13. Do not advertise or promote other websites/services as a whole.
14. Do not act like a moderator/admin if you are not one.
15. Do not publicly discuss Soul-Arena moderators or their actions unless given permission to do so by a Global Moderator.
16. Discussions that solely belong on partnership sites should only be posted on their forums.
17. Do not evade your bans.
18. Do not cause unnecessary drama.
19. Do not share classified information (information regarding new characters not included).
20. Do not post excessively flashing/strobing images. Example
20a. Images that flash more slowly, however, are allowed. Example

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Moderators have the right to create and enforce rules in their own respective sections. You must follow those rules and listen to any request the moderator makes. Not doing so may result in a warning or ban.

Section Rules or special rules for single topics override Global Rules.

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Forum Rules - by Starrk - 09-07-2021, 06:45 PM

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