Literally_Rock_Lee universal clan application
Check here for stats:
Personality: Energetic, headstrong, ambitious, quick on my feet, rarely serious (except when it comes to playing, then I become a first-rate war strategist), and always ready to make friends.
Favorite Bleach Character: Zaraki Kenpachi (aka. Fork)
Favorite SA character: Koutotsu because of Time-Space distortion, and how it kinda got revived when Butter got added.

I got bored in my own little me myself and I clan so I'm applying to all the clans.
[Image: 200w.webp?cid=ecf05e474mnofxr1fclj275ut6....webp&ct=g]

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Literally_Rock_Lee universal clan application - by Literally_Rock_Lee - 10-31-2022, 12:33 AM

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