Balance 2.3

 - Arturo Plateado
  • "The Immortal Fenix" cost changed to 1 random energy
  • "Cross Clash" cost changed to 1 random energy
  • "Close-Range Reiatsu" cost changed to 1 random energy, now increases cost of "Spark of Genius" by 1 random
  • "Spark Of Genius" cost changed to no cost
  • Since the dude's release, I don't think he's had a win rate above 10%. He's a lot like Wabisuke in that he has needed some love for a long time. I'm not 100% sure this will do what he needs, but aside from a full re-work (which I did not have the time for this patch), this is what I can do for him now

 - Bankai Unohana
  • "Minazuki: Blood Strike" duration increased to 2 turns, damage increased to 20
  • "Skull Body" cooldown lowered to 3
  • Bankai Unohana's gimmick has always been situational and un-reliable. These changes should allow her to take advantage of her strong third skill. One thing worth noting, if your enemy is affected by "Bankai, Minazuki," They ignore healing, meaning they'd only take the 55 damage from "Minazuki, Perish." If you report that as a bug, I'm going to tell you "you're an idiot"

 - Findorr Calius
  • "Mask Shattering" can no longer be removed
  • Not a lot to say for Findorr. His gimmick is gimmicky, this is just a nice quality of life adjustment for him to not get cucked before the enemy team uses their skills

 - Hollow Ichigo
  • "Predatory Instincts" now becomes "Hunt" for 3 turns instead of 2
  • "Hunt" cost changed to no cost
  • Y'all remember watching Hollow Ichigo Battle it out with Ulquiorra and thinking "Damn, this dude's fucking awesome!?" Do you remember getting on soul arena and trying to use him, only to be disappointed that his 1v1 capabilities are dog shit? Maybe I was the only one. Either way, Predatory Instincts is a strong skill that has trouble in Hollow Ichigo's kit. With the self damage, you want to use hunt to heal, but you don't want to spend a red and a random to have access to a skill that needs another red to use. This should make it a bit more worth-while

 -  Kirikaze
  • "Surge's" effects are no longer conditional. He heals and gains the energy
  • "Gale Force" cooldown reduced to 4
  • I'm not 100% sure this is everything the character needs. I think he has a good kit, and I'm hopeful this helps him a bit

 - Suzumebachi
  • "Swiftness" cooldown lowered to 4
  • I'm not sure if Starrk fell asleep coding her or if he just hates her, but she didn't deserve a 5 turn cd for invul. She needs more than this, but this was an easy change that didn't pressure me to think. I'm only human, give me a break!

 - Tsukishima
  • "Book of the End" cost changed to no cost
  • Don't you remember? Tsu talked to us about how it isn't fair that he has to spend an energy to close his book. I wasn't 100% convinced, but you know Tsu. It's hard to say "no" to him, and he wasn't being un-reasonable


 - Bankai Renji
  • "Baboon King, Zabimaru can now be countered and reflected. Re-introducing his effect from old SA, where while this skill is active, if he is damaged by a new, non-affliction skill, he will deal 5 less non-affliction damage for a turn (can only be triggered once per turn)
  • "Reform" will no longer damage characters who damage him
  • This dude, since this SA launched over 2 years ago, has needed a nerf. He recieved one that lowered the duration of "Baboon King, Zabimaru" to 4, and he has since avoided nerfs for what I can only assume is because of his good looks. He has been in many top-tier war teams and ladder teams, and I think we're all a little tired of seeing him. He's still playable by all means, but if he's being focused, his damage output will drop a bit

 - Butterfly Aizen
  • "Destructive Spell #90: Black Coffin" No longer ignores invulnerability
  • "Impossible Regeneration" no longer heals him for 5 health when he's targeted
  • I really thought the nerf I gave this fucker last patch was good enough, but he remained in the top 5 most-used characters this last patch, and his winrate remained close to 80%. As such, he gets nerfed again. I'm aware of a couple of meta teams he's on, and I'm hoping this nerf brings the train to a halt. If it doesn't, you won't like the next nerf I have in mind

 - Numb Chandelier
  • "Darts Shooter" (Why the fuck not Dart Shooter?) can now be countered/reflected
  • Why? Cause fuck her, that's why! In all seriousness, nerfing damage on her will make her next to useless and I still want her to be decent as she's a starter character. That said, With Bankai Renji likely stepping down from the position of "Most obnoxious character to face," I figured I'd hit the next of kin

 - Orihime
  • "Triple Heavenly Linking Shield" destructible defense lowered to 20
  • We had a couple of ideas to nerf her, but most of the things considered were what I feel are just nice bonuses of bringing her along, not where her actual strengths are. This should help with the problem of her being the exclusive support choice (other than maybe child nel). 20 dd and 10 heal for 2 people is still strong

 - Renji
  • "Howl, Zabimaru" can now be countered and reflected
  • Fuck this guy too. Another staple of some cancer teams. He'll still work, you just have to pay attention


 - Bankai Mayuri
  • "Superhuman Drug" Now only raises the cost of skills by 1 blue (reverted), text clarified and skill updated to increase the cost of all skills, not just non-strategic
  • I really need some of what was being drank when we decided that increasing the cost of all skills by 2 blue was a good idea. However, Macapis got hit by it twice with his Bankai Gin, meaning he would need at least 8 blue to use a skill to remove the effect, which was funny as hell. I'm not certain Bankai Mayuri even really needed buffed, he's slept on in my opinion. If he does need attention though, there are better way to go about it and I'll explore those if he shows signs of needing it

Noteworthy bug fixes (both during this patch and in the update itself):

Counters: I was going through trying to fix Ascended Aizen's counter and discovered an issue that was affecting all counters in game. You older frogs might remember the invuln meta (may it continue resting in hell) where Ukitake's s2 wouldn't show up as used. As it turns out, this wasn't just a shared delusion, but an actual issue, as for the same reason, sometimes counters wouldn't deal damage to enemies, or worse yet, in case where the countered enemy was invulnerable, the counter would stay applied to them and the skill they used would just "disappear" and take the energy cost with it. This should be fixed, and there should be less funny business with them
  • Ascended Aizen's "Erasure" Can now not be used while active (like the skill says). This bugfix is basically a nerf for him, hence why you didn't see him above
  • Res Harribel's "Hyper Cascada" No longer behaves like an instant
  • Inner Ichigo's "Inner Ichigo Combat" was not reducing the duration of strategic skills used on your team. This applies to many skills, including Koutotsu's "Time-Space Distortion" and Byakuya's "Binding Spell #61: Six-Rods Prison of Light"
  • Hozukimaru's "Empowered Slash" correctly prevents him from using his skills for a turn
  • Inner Ichigo's "Inner Ichigo Combat," "White Getsuga-Tensho," and "Hollow Consumption" will now damage Inner Ichigo if they are reflected back to him
  • Hueco Mundo Byakuya Now removes all stuns as advertised instead of just the first stun that hits him
  • Butterfly Aizen's "Black Coffin: Full Enchant" No longer lasts an extra turn on all enemies, only enemies affected by his "Shatter Displacement"
  • Runuganga's "Sand Vortex" Now correctly ends when he's stunned and cannot be used on an enemy already affected.
  • Yadomaru Lisa's "Spinning Bird Kick" Can no longer be reflected (as the skill states it shouldn't)
  • Hirako Shinji's "Sword Rotation" Can no longer be countered or reflected (does what the skill says)
  • Inner Ichigo's Ally Takeover now changes his skills correctly, consistently. It also ends if his target is killed so he can keep playing.
  • Inner Ichigo's Enemy Takeover now changes his skills correctly if he kills his target, consistently. It also ends if his target is killed so he can keep playing
  • Wabisuke's "Shoulder the Weight" no longer crashes the game
  • Adult Nel's "Lanzador Verde" no longer increases in cost if she has more than one stack of "Declare, Gamuza" active
  • Kon's stun is no longer coded as a "Helpful" effect
  • Tons of tooltip typos addressed

Messages In This Thread
Balance 2.3 - by leaderfirestar - 11-12-2022, 05:24 PM
RE: Balance 2.3 - by Literally_Rock_Lee - 11-12-2022, 11:04 PM

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