Good Mid-Ladder Menace Morning - Printable Version

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RE: Good Mid-Ladder Menace Morning - Literally_Rock_Lee - 01-25-2023

1/25 first battle
I was able to get more images. I'm going to make a better team now.
My team: Base Zaraki, HM Byakuya, Orihime
Opponent: Magotts, Vizard
Team: VL Ichigo, Bonk-eye Gin, Bankai Renji
Result: Win, Timer
Thoughts: This is why you never surrender, even if you would die the next turn.

VL Ichigo's overwhelming cero is too good. Lower its targets from all characters to just one.

RE: Good Mid-Ladder Menace Morning - Literally_Rock_Lee - 01-26-2023

1/26 First Battle:
My team: Same as Yesterday (Base Zaraki, HM Byakuya, Orihime)
Opponent: Uiguino, Vizard
Team: Base Tia, Pasc Aizen, Pesche
Result: Loss, All characters Dead
Thoughts: I need to reload all of the game images. We'll be on a losing streak for a long time.

RE: Good Mid-Ladder Menace Morning - Literally_Rock_Lee - 01-30-2023

1/30/2023 First Battle:
My team: 11th div. 3 stooges (Yachiru is 4th stooge now)
Opponent:Mareeck, Fullbringer
Opponent's team: Zaraki, Zamgetsu, Avirama
Result: Loss, All characters dead
Thoughts: Zangetsu's damage upgrade activates once the skill is cast now, but Ikkaku is that team's natural enemy. Also, I think this team was good at one point.

1/30 second battle
Opponent:Lumia, Arrancar
Opponent's team: Yumichika, Ururu, Ikkaku
Result:Loss, All characters dead

1/30/23, Third battle
Opponent:LH_Kurosaki, Privaron Espada
Opponent team: Kira, Nemu, Yumichika
Result: Loss, Surrender
Thoughts: I need to pay attention in class rn, so I'll take the L

RE: Good Mid-Ladder Menace Morning - Literally_Rock_Lee - 01-30-2023

1/30 fourth battle
Opponent:Avisaac, Fullbringer
Opponent Team: Rangiku, Mayuri, Mila Rose
Result: Victory, All characters dead
Thoughts: That's the insane combo I remember having to face.

RE: Good Mid-Ladder Menace Morning - Literally_Rock_Lee - 02-01-2023

2/1 First Battle
My team: Same as yesterday
Opponent's team: Mayuri, Hisagi, Menoly (no' bad)
Result: Victory, All characters dead
Thoughts: Welp, won't need this team for a while (actually I still have to win like 10 battles to get yachiru, but it's fine.)

RE: Good Mid-Ladder Menace Morning - Literally_Rock_Lee - 02-02-2023

2/2 First Battle
My Team: Still grinding for Yachiru
Opponent: Brillocksa, Vizard
Opponent team: Karin, Kido Urahara, Yoruichi
Result: Win, Surrender
Thoughts: Well there was one sketch moment, but I think it went in my favor?

2/2 Second battle
Oh yeah, fyi Wandenreich rejected me Sad I'm going to reapply to Reik, and then reapply to Reich once I go back to ladder grinds.
Opponent: SteveSkip, Fullbringer
Opponent's team:Yammy, Pesche, Tatsuki
Result: Win, All characters dead.
Thoughts: This should've ended years earlier than it did. WHY DOESN'T ANYONE TAKE DAMAGE FROM IKKAKU'S DPS SKILLS WHEN THEY'RE INVULERABLE?

RE: Good Mid-Ladder Menace Morning - Literally_Rock_Lee - 02-02-2023

2/2 Last Battle Before Signing Off:
Opponent team: Zaraki, HM Byakuya, hollow Tousen
Result: Win, Surrender
Thoughts: Poor Byakuya. My zaraki unalived him right before he was going to have his moment.

RE: Good Mid-Ladder Menace Morning - Literally_Rock_Lee - 02-03-2023

2/3 First Battle:
My team: Nnoitra Yachiru VL Ichigo (just testing the waters)
Opponent: KaeRi, Privaron Espada (I'm 90% sure it's a bot)
Opponent team: Sparrow Uryuu, Arturo, Ress Starrk
Result: Win, All characters dead
Thoughts: Why is arturo considered useless? He was kinda annoying this round.

2/3 Second Battle
My team: Nnoitra, hanataro, ress Harribel
Opponent: _-Shino-_, Shinigami
Opponent Team: Kido Kira, Renji, Cirucci sandwich
Result: Loss, All characters dead
Thoughts: That team should not be as good as it is, and Hanataro had a fun slugfest with them that lasted 10 ish turns before getting unalived. How does Ress Harribel actually work? Like why is she op against me, but I can't recreate that success?

2/3 Third Battle
My team: Nnoitra, Segunda Ulquiorra, Hanataro
Opponent: SteveSkip, Fullbringer
Opponent team: Ishida Uryu, Ryujin Jakka, Hanataro
Result: Win, All characters dead
Thoughts: Finally, a streak team I know how to use.

2/3 Fourth Battle, First Ladder battle of the day
Opponent: Karola, Mugetsu
Opponent's team: Kisuke, Apacci, Zaraki
Result: Win, Surrender
Thoughts: I was actually nervous, but it ended up all right. I sacced (sacrificed) hanataro to annhilate Kisuke, and lined Apachi up for execution. 1 more win and the streak requirement is met.

RE: Good Mid-Ladder Menace Morning - Literally_Rock_Lee - 02-03-2023

2/3 Fifth Battle
Opponent: ArthurLannister, Hogyoku
Opponent's team: Omaeda, Hichigo, Rukia
Result: Win, Surrender
Thoughts: Exactly how much of that team was reliant on Inner Ichigo's Bankai?

2/3 Sixth battle; Back to ladder grinding-ish because streak is no longer required
Opponent: Kurosakysfuckyou (hey that name looks fermiliar), Fullbringer
Opponent's team: Menos Grande, Gantenbaine, Rangiku
Result: Loss, All characters dead
Thoughts: I got a bad deal and needed more yellow energy.

2/3 Seventh Battle
Opponent: Ieatfood23, Mugetsu
Oponent's Team: Ururu, Jinta, Rukia
Result:Loss, All characters dead
Thoughts: Wait how did Nnoitra's skill get removed? And why is the stun cycle working?

2/3 eighth battle
Opponent: SirNoon, Espada
Opponent's team: TLA Chad, Aisslinger, Kirikaze
Result: Victory, all characters dead
Thoughts: I got 139xp! That's more than normal! I'm gonna finish getting hm Kenpachi now, and will make my next report Monday.

Team: Res Yammy, Senna, Shinji
Result: Loss, all characters dead
Thoughts: Now I know why Wandenreich rejected me. I got my ass handed to me.

RE: Good Mid-Ladder Menace Morning - Literally_Rock_Lee - 02-06-2023

2/6 First Battle
Someone convinced me to go on the Dork Rukia grind. We're doing it.
My team: Rukia, Tesla, Renji
Opponent: Sparrow, Privaron Espada
Opponent's team: Yama, Numb Chandelier, Rukia
Result: Win, Surrender
Thoughts: hehe tesla go brrrrrr