Good Mid-Ladder Menace Morning
1/25 first battle
I was able to get more images. I'm going to make a better team now.
My team: Base Zaraki, HM Byakuya, Orihime
Opponent: Magotts, Vizard
Team: VL Ichigo, Bonk-eye Gin, Bankai Renji
Result: Win, Timer
Thoughts: This is why you never surrender, even if you would die the next turn.

VL Ichigo's overwhelming cero is too good. Lower its targets from all characters to just one.
[Image: 200w.webp?cid=ecf05e474mnofxr1fclj275ut6....webp&ct=g]
1/26 First Battle:
My team: Same as Yesterday (Base Zaraki, HM Byakuya, Orihime)
Opponent: Uiguino, Vizard
Team: Base Tia, Pasc Aizen, Pesche
Result: Loss, All characters Dead
Thoughts: I need to reload all of the game images. We'll be on a losing streak for a long time.
[Image: 200w.webp?cid=ecf05e474mnofxr1fclj275ut6....webp&ct=g]
1/30/2023 First Battle:
My team: 11th div. 3 stooges (Yachiru is 4th stooge now)
Opponent:Mareeck, Fullbringer
Opponent's team: Zaraki, Zamgetsu, Avirama
Result: Loss, All characters dead
Thoughts: Zangetsu's damage upgrade activates once the skill is cast now, but Ikkaku is that team's natural enemy. Also, I think this team was good at one point.

1/30 second battle
Opponent:Lumia, Arrancar
Opponent's team: Yumichika, Ururu, Ikkaku
Result:Loss, All characters dead

1/30/23, Third battle
Opponent:LH_Kurosaki, Privaron Espada
Opponent team: Kira, Nemu, Yumichika
Result: Loss, Surrender
Thoughts: I need to pay attention in class rn, so I'll take the L
[Image: 200w.webp?cid=ecf05e474mnofxr1fclj275ut6....webp&ct=g]
1/30 fourth battle
Opponent:Avisaac, Fullbringer
Opponent Team: Rangiku, Mayuri, Mila Rose
Result: Victory, All characters dead
Thoughts: That's the insane combo I remember having to face.
[Image: 200w.webp?cid=ecf05e474mnofxr1fclj275ut6....webp&ct=g]
2/1 First Battle
My team: Same as yesterday
Opponent's team: Mayuri, Hisagi, Menoly (no' bad)
Result: Victory, All characters dead
Thoughts: Welp, won't need this team for a while (actually I still have to win like 10 battles to get yachiru, but it's fine.)
[Image: 200w.webp?cid=ecf05e474mnofxr1fclj275ut6....webp&ct=g]
2/2 First Battle
My Team: Still grinding for Yachiru
Opponent: Brillocksa, Vizard
Opponent team: Karin, Kido Urahara, Yoruichi
Result: Win, Surrender
Thoughts: Well there was one sketch moment, but I think it went in my favor?

2/2 Second battle
Oh yeah, fyi Wandenreich rejected me Sad I'm going to reapply to Reik, and then reapply to Reich once I go back to ladder grinds.
Opponent: SteveSkip, Fullbringer
Opponent's team:Yammy, Pesche, Tatsuki
Result: Win, All characters dead.
Thoughts: This should've ended years earlier than it did. WHY DOESN'T ANYONE TAKE DAMAGE FROM IKKAKU'S DPS SKILLS WHEN THEY'RE INVULERABLE?
[Image: 200w.webp?cid=ecf05e474mnofxr1fclj275ut6....webp&ct=g]
2/2 Last Battle Before Signing Off:
Opponent team: Zaraki, HM Byakuya, hollow Tousen
Result: Win, Surrender
Thoughts: Poor Byakuya. My zaraki unalived him right before he was going to have his moment.
[Image: 200w.webp?cid=ecf05e474mnofxr1fclj275ut6....webp&ct=g]
2/3 First Battle:
My team: Nnoitra Yachiru VL Ichigo (just testing the waters)
Opponent: KaeRi, Privaron Espada (I'm 90% sure it's a bot)
Opponent team: Sparrow Uryuu, Arturo, Ress Starrk
Result: Win, All characters dead
Thoughts: Why is arturo considered useless? He was kinda annoying this round.

2/3 Second Battle
My team: Nnoitra, hanataro, ress Harribel
Opponent: _-Shino-_, Shinigami
Opponent Team: Kido Kira, Renji, Cirucci sandwich
Result: Loss, All characters dead
Thoughts: That team should not be as good as it is, and Hanataro had a fun slugfest with them that lasted 10 ish turns before getting unalived. How does Ress Harribel actually work? Like why is she op against me, but I can't recreate that success?

2/3 Third Battle
My team: Nnoitra, Segunda Ulquiorra, Hanataro
Opponent: SteveSkip, Fullbringer
Opponent team: Ishida Uryu, Ryujin Jakka, Hanataro
Result: Win, All characters dead
Thoughts: Finally, a streak team I know how to use.

2/3 Fourth Battle, First Ladder battle of the day
Opponent: Karola, Mugetsu
Opponent's team: Kisuke, Apacci, Zaraki
Result: Win, Surrender
Thoughts: I was actually nervous, but it ended up all right. I sacced (sacrificed) hanataro to annhilate Kisuke, and lined Apachi up for execution. 1 more win and the streak requirement is met.
[Image: 200w.webp?cid=ecf05e474mnofxr1fclj275ut6....webp&ct=g]
2/3 Fifth Battle
Opponent: ArthurLannister, Hogyoku
Opponent's team: Omaeda, Hichigo, Rukia
Result: Win, Surrender
Thoughts: Exactly how much of that team was reliant on Inner Ichigo's Bankai?

2/3 Sixth battle; Back to ladder grinding-ish because streak is no longer required
Opponent: Kurosakysfuckyou (hey that name looks fermiliar), Fullbringer
Opponent's team: Menos Grande, Gantenbaine, Rangiku
Result: Loss, All characters dead
Thoughts: I got a bad deal and needed more yellow energy.

2/3 Seventh Battle
Opponent: Ieatfood23, Mugetsu
Oponent's Team: Ururu, Jinta, Rukia
Result:Loss, All characters dead
Thoughts: Wait how did Nnoitra's skill get removed? And why is the stun cycle working?

2/3 eighth battle
Opponent: SirNoon, Espada
Opponent's team: TLA Chad, Aisslinger, Kirikaze
Result: Victory, all characters dead
Thoughts: I got 139xp! That's more than normal! I'm gonna finish getting hm Kenpachi now, and will make my next report Monday.

Team: Res Yammy, Senna, Shinji
Result: Loss, all characters dead
Thoughts: Now I know why Wandenreich rejected me. I got my ass handed to me.
[Image: 200w.webp?cid=ecf05e474mnofxr1fclj275ut6....webp&ct=g]
2/6 First Battle
Someone convinced me to go on the Dork Rukia grind. We're doing it.
My team: Rukia, Tesla, Renji
Opponent: Sparrow, Privaron Espada
Opponent's team: Yama, Numb Chandelier, Rukia
Result: Win, Surrender
Thoughts: hehe tesla go brrrrrr
[Image: 200w.webp?cid=ecf05e474mnofxr1fclj275ut6....webp&ct=g]

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