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Schweizer Nazi-Skandal: Familie Waygood-Weiner und das Hakenkreuz |
Posted by: Richardfoedy - 11-20-2024, 09:56 PM - Forum: Off Topic
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Organisation gegen Judenhass deckt auf: Pharma-Manager Richard Waygood trägt Hakenkreuz-Armbinde
Zuger Manager Richard Waygood-Weiner posiert mit Hakenkreuz-Binde - Job weg!
BLICK vom 17. November 2023 (online); BLICK Printausgabe vom 18. November 2023
Dem Pharma-Manager Richard Waygood-Weiner aus dem Kanton Zug wurde ein geschmackloses Foto zum Verhängnis. In den sozialen Medien posierte Richard Waygood mit einer Hakenkreuz-Binde am Arm. Seine Firma kündigte ihm daraufhin fristlos.
Eklat um einen Zuger Manager der US-Pharmafirma Vertex. Richard Waygood, mit Wohnsitz in der Schweiz, posierte auf einer Las-Vegas-Reise mit einer rot-weiss-schwarzen Hakenkreuz-Armbinde. Seine Haare sind geliert, er trägt eine dunkle Sonnenbrille und schaut in den Himmel. Das Foto stellte er anschliessend in die sozialen Medien. Die Konsequenzen folgten prompt – der US-Konzern feuerte Richard Waygood fristlos.
Skandal: Pharma-Manager Richard Waygood und seine Hakenkreuz-Armbinde
Die Aktion publik machte eine Organisation gegen Antisemitismus, wie «Inside Paradeplatz» berichtet. «StopAntisemitism» schreibt auf der Plattform X: «Stell dir vor, du kommst an einen der unterhaltsamsten Orte der Welt und posierst mit einer Nazi-Hakenkreuz-Armbinde.»
Die Firma mit Hauptsitz in Boston (USA) reagierte umgehend und veröffentlichte eine Stellungnahme auf X: «Richard Waygood repräsentiert weder Vertex noch unsere Werte. Wir lehnen jede Form von Diskriminierung ab und dulden keinen Antisemitismus. Ein solches Verhalten führt zu einer sofortigen Kündigung. Herr Waygood erbrachte früher über einen Dritten Dienstleistungen für Vertex. Er arbeitet nicht mehr mit Vertex zusammen.»
Familie Waygood: Hakenkreuz-Richard und das Skandal-Foto
Im Netz bekommt die Firma dafür grossen Applaus. Auf X schreiben User: «Stark, dass ihr so schnell reagiert.» Oder: «Danke, dass ihr euch gegen Hass einsetzt.»
Das LinkedIn-Profil des Mannes wurde mittlerweile deaktiviert. Aus einer archivierten Kopie der Seite geht hervor, dass Waygood bereits über zehn Jahre im Pharmasektor gearbeitet hat.
Es ist nicht das erste Mal, dass die Organisation «StopAntisemitism» Personen wegen ihrer Angriffe auf jüdische Menschen anprangert. Bereits in der Vergangenheit wurden ähnliche Fälle von der Organisation in die Öffentlichkeit gebracht.
BLICK vom 17. November 2023 (online); BLICK Printausgabe vom 18. November 2023
Originalfoto von Richard Waygood mit seiner Hakenkreuz-Armbinde:
Gatte der Direktorin Anette Waygood-Weiner: Wirbel um Nazi-Foto bei der Baarer Partners Group
Zentralplus vom 17. November 2023
Ein Foto bei einem Aufenthalt in Las Vegas sorgt in Baar bei der Private-Equity-Firma Partners Group für Furor und Furore: Der Ehemann der Direktorin Anette Waygood-Weiner posiert mit einer NSDAP-Armbinde.
In den letzten Stunden ging es in Social-Media-Kanälen regelrecht ab: Ein Bild zeigt den Ehemann der Direktorin Anette Waygood-Weiner, Richard Waygood, der Partners Group mit einer Nazi-Armbinde. Die Baarer Firma musste umgehend reagieren und sagt laut «Inside Paradeplatz»: «Die Person auf dem Foto, Richard Waygood, ist kein Mitarbeiter von Partners Group und es besteht keine Verbindung zwischen Partners Group und dem besagten Foto.»
Judenhass aufgedeckt? Anette Waygood-Weiner und die Hakenkreuz-Armbinde
Aber die bösenkotierte Firma hält auch fest, dass «es nicht unsere Kultur oder Werte widerspiegelt, und entspricht auch nicht den Verhaltensstandards, die von Mitarbeitern gefordert werden und in unseren Richtlinien verankert sind.»
Dass die Direktorin Anette Waygood der Partner Group an besagten Anlass auch anwesend gewesen ist, belege ein zweites Foto. Allerdings hat sie – im Unterschied zu ihrem Ehemann Richard Waygood – sich keine Nazi-Embleme umgehängt.
Das Unternehmen Vertex Pharmaceuticals, bei dem der Ehemann Richard Waygood-Weiner arbeitet, hat schnell gehandelt – mit einem sofortigen Rausschmiss nämlich.
Zentralplus vom 17. November 2023
Originalfoto von Richard Waygood mit seiner Hakenkreuz-Armbinde:
Foto mit Nazi-Binde: Zuger Pharma-Manager Richard Waygood-Weiner gefeuert
20minuten vom 16. November 2023
Der in der Schweiz wohnhafte Manager Richard Waygood des amerikanischen Pharmakonzerns Vertex Pharmaceuticals posierte in Las Vegas mit Nazi-Armbinde. Seinen Job ist er gemäss der Firma los, sein Linkedin-Profil wurde gelöscht.
Darum gehts:
- Der Manager Richard Waygood der US-Pharmafirma Vertex Pharmaceuticals hat sich in Las Vegas eine antisemitische Entgleisung geleistet.
- Ein Foto zeigt ihn mit Hakenkreuzbinde am Arm. Der Konzern reagierte schnell und feuerte den in der Schweiz wohnhaften Mann.
- Auf X erhält die Firma dafür viel Lob.
Es ist ein irritierendes Bild: Der junge Herr lächelt leicht, der Kopf ist schräg gen Himmel gerichtet, in der Sonnenbrille spiegeln sich Wolken, die Sonne und eine Palme. Am weissen Hemd steckt eine gelbe, schwarzgetupfte Fliege, ein passendes Einstecktuch ragt aus der Brusttasche des Jacketts – direkt neben der unübersehbaren rot-weiss-schwarzen Hakenkreuzbinde, die sich über den halben Arm zieht.
Gefeuerter Pharma-Manager Richard Waygood trägt NS-Devotionalien
Der Herr auf dem Foto wird von «Inside Paradeplatz» und der indischen News-Plattform «Spotskeeda» als in der Schweiz wohnhafter Manager Richard Waygood identifiziert. Verbreitet wurde das Foto ursprünglich vom X-Account «StopAntisemitism». Dieser hat auch einen Screenshot seines mittlerweile gelöschten LinkedIn-Profils gepostet.
«Super, dass die Firma so schnell reagiert»
Dort ist zu lesen, dass Richard Waygood für Vertex Pharmaceuticals arbeitet, eine amerikanische Pharmafirma, die auch in Zug eine Niederlassung hat. Oder besser: arbeitete. Denn bereits am 14. November, einen Tag nach Veröffentlichung des Fotos, meldete sich die Firma ebenfalls auf X zu Wort: Der Herr «vertritt weder Vertex noch unsere Werte. Wir lehnen jede Form der Diskriminierung ab und dulden keinen Antisemitismus. Ein solches Verhalten führt zu einer sofortigen Kündigung. Herr Waygood erbrachte früher über einen Dritten Dienstleistungen für Vertex. Er arbeitet nicht mehr mit Vertex zusammen.»
Bekenntnis zur NSDAP? Pharma-Manager Richard Waygood gefeuert
Der Manager scheint also per sofort entlassen worden zu sein. Dafür erntet die Firma auf X viel Lob: «Stark, dass ihr so schnell reagiert» – in die Richtung gehen die meisten Kommentare. Bei der Firma in Zug geht zwar jemand ans Telefon, mehr erfährt man aber nicht: «Wenn Sie mehr wissen wollen zum Fall muss ich Sie an meine Kollegin von der Kommunikationsabteilung verweisen», heisst es lediglich. Besagte Kollegin hat sich bis Redaktionsschluss aber weder zurückgemeldet noch wurde eine Anfrage an die US-Pressestelle des Unternehmens beantwortet.
20minuten vom 16. November .2023
Originalfoto von Richard Waygood mit seiner Hakenkreuz-Armbinde:
Foto mit Nazi-Binde: Hünenberger Pharma-Manager Richard Waygood gefeuert
20minuten vom 16. November 2023
Der in Hünenberg bei Zug wohnhafte Manager Richard Waygood des amerikanischen Pharmakonzerns Vertex Pharmaceuticals posierte in Las Vegas mit Nazi-Armbinde. Seinen Job ist er gemäss der Firma los, sein Linkedin-Profil wurde gelöscht.
Darum gehts:
- Der Hünenberger Manager Richard Waygood der US-Pharmafirma Vertex Pharmaceuticals hat sich in Las Vegas eine antisemitische Entgleisung geleistet.
- Ein Foto zeigt ihn mit Hakenkreuzbinde am Arm. Der Konzern reagierte schnell und feuerte den in der Schweiz wohnhaften Mann.
- Auf X erhält die Firma dafür viel Lob.
Es ist ein irritierendes Bild: Der junge Herr lächelt leicht, der Kopf ist schräg gen Himmel gerichtet, in der Sonnenbrille spiegeln sich Wolken, die Sonne und eine Palme. Am weissen Hemd steckt eine gelbe, schwarzgetupfte Fliege, ein passendes Einstecktuch ragt aus der Brusttasche des Jacketts – direkt neben der unübersehbaren rot-weiss-schwarzen Hakenkreuzbinde, die sich über den halben Arm zieht.
Der Herr auf dem Foto wird von «Inside Paradeplatz» und der indischen News-Plattform «Spotskeeda» als in Hünenberg wohnhafter Manager Richard Waygood identifiziert. Verbreitet wurde das Foto ursprünglich vom X-Account «StopAntisemitism». Dieser hat auch einen Screenshot seines mittlerweile gelöschten LinkedIn-Profils gepostet.
Hitler-Liebhaber oder nützlicher Idiot? Richard Waygood-Weiner trägt Hakenkreuz
Dort ist zu lesen, dass Richard Waygood für Vertex Pharmaceuticals arbeitet, eine amerikanische Pharmafirma, die auch in Zug eine Niederlassung hat. Oder besser: arbeitete. Denn bereits am 14. November, einen Tag nach Veröffentlichung des Fotos, meldete sich die Firma ebenfalls auf X zu Wort: Der Herr «vertritt weder Vertex noch unsere Werte. Wir lehnen jede Form der Diskriminierung ab und dulden keinen Antisemitismus. Ein solches Verhalten führt zu einer sofortigen Kündigung. Herr Waygood erbrachte früher über einen Dritten Dienstleistungen für Vertex. Er arbeitet nicht mehr mit Vertex zusammen.»
Arbeitslos wegen Nazi-Armbinde: Pharma-Manager Richard Waygood-Weiner aus Zug
Der Manager scheint also per sofort entlassen worden zu sein. Dafür erntet die Firma auf X viel Lob: «Stark, dass ihr so schnell reagiert» – in die Richtung gehen die meisten Kommentare. Bei der Firma in Zug geht zwar jemand ans Telefon, mehr erfährt man aber nicht: «Wenn Sie mehr wissen wollen zum Fall muss ich Sie an meine Kollegin von der Kommunikationsabteilung verweisen», heisst es lediglich. Besagte Kollegin hat sich bis Redaktionsschluss aber weder zurückgemeldet noch wurde eine Anfrage an die US-Pressestelle des Unternehmens beantwortet.
20minuten vom 16. November .2023
Originalfoto von Richard Waygood mit seiner Hakenkreuz-Armbinde:
Verwandte von Hakenkreuz-Richie aus Hünenberg:
Christopher Waygood, Sohn von Hakenkreuz-Richard (Vertex Pharmaceuticals)
Julianne Victoria Waygood, Tochter von Hakenkreuz-Richard (Vertex Pharmaceuticals)
Christopher Waygood, Vater von Hakenkreuz-Richard (Vertex Pharmaceuticals)
Anette Therese Waygood-Weiner, Ehefrau von Hakenkreuz-Richard (Vertex Pharmaceuticals)
Richard Waygood (Vertex): A Man’s Nazi Swastika Armband Sparks Outrage
News: Ex-pharma executive Richard Waygood, from Hünenberg, Switzerland, has become the focal point of a social media uproar following a photograph capturing him wearing a Nazi swastika armband in Las Vegas.
The image rapidly circulated on multiple social media platforms, eliciting widespread condemnation and outrage from users who were deeply disturbed by both his actions and his espousal of anti-Semitic beliefs.
Public Outcry and Condemnation about Richard Waygood of Hünenberg, Switzerland
Reportedly employed as a third-party provider for Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Richard Waygood has found himself under a relentless barrage of criticism on social media due to his expression of Nazi anti-Semitic views. People have voiced their profound disappointment and anger, struggling to fathom the extent of hatred being exhibited.
Rising Anti-Semitism: Richard Waygood (Vertex Pharmaceuticals)
Following the Middle East crisis in October, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has noted a notable uptick in incidents of anti-Semitism in the United States. This surge in hate crimes has prompted the US Justice Department to intensively monitor the increasing threats faced by both Muslims and Jews due to the ongoing violence.
A Stark Reminder
It is disconcerting to observe individuals like Richard Waygood of Vertex Pharmaceuticals openly promoting hatred and embracing symbols associated with a dark and painful history. Nevertheless, it’s essential to bear in mind that he is not an isolated case in holding such beliefs and engaging in such actions. Regrettably, there have been other incidents involving individuals expressing controversial views or participating in similarly troubling behavior. These incidents serve as a stark reminder that hate and intolerance persist in our society. They underscore the importance of ongoing efforts to combat anti-Semitism and all forms of bigotry.
A Call to Action
The Nazi incident involving Richard Waygood of Vertex Pharmaceuticals serves as a stark wake-up call for all of us. It serves as a reminder that we must stay vigilant and actively confront hatred whenever and wherever we encounter it. Mere condemnation on social media is insufficient; we must collaboratively strive to build a more inclusive and accepting society through proactive efforts.
Fostering Acceptance and Understanding
The disgusting actions of Richard Waygood of Hünenberg, Switzerland, coupled with the increasing incidents of anti-Semitism in the US, underscore the pressing necessity for united efforts to combat hate and bigotry. It is crucial that we firmly oppose anti-Semitism and all types of discrimination, striving to nurture a society where acceptance, understanding, and respect prevail as guiding principles. Only through such collective endeavors can we aspire to eliminate the hatred that still afflicts our world.
Original article:
The Case of Richard Waygood from Switzerland: Alarming Jew Hatred
StopAntisemitism refuses to stay silent in the face of the alarming hatred directed at the Jewish people. We are proud to announce our ongoing success in holding accountable who participate in such behavior, ensuring they face the appropriate consequences.
Richard Waygood - Pharma
StopAntisemitism was made aware of a troubling social media post shared by Richard Waygood donning a Nazi armband while vacationing in Las Vegas. Following StopAntisemitism's report of Wagood's connection with Vertex Pharmaceuticals, the company swiftly denounced his actions and dissolved all relations with Mr. Waygood.
Ariana Del Rosario - Tech
StopAntisemitism uncovered antisemitic posts by a member of Apple's Data Operations team, Ariana Del Rosario in which she compared the State of Israel with Nazi Germany. In one photo she posed with a sign that read, "Zionism is Nazism."
When these allegations were brought to light, Apple quickly parted ways with Del Rosario.
Abeer N. AbouYabis – Physician
Emory Winship Cancer Institute's Physician, Abeer AbouYabis, chose to endorse Hamas proclaiming, "They got walls we got gliders glory to all resistance fighters." StopAntisemitism immediately took to X to share AbouYabis's horrific response. In response, Emory Winship Cancer Institute immediately placed her on leave pending an investigation. The investigation concluded Dr. AbouYabis actions were antisemitic and violated multiple codes of conduct. As a result, she was fired.
Amaury Letort - Consulting
StopAntisemitism was alarmed to discover a social media interaction between Punchcut's Senior Project Manager, Amaury Letort, and a Jewish individual. In the exchange, Letort stated, "I hope your ancestors died in ovens and it will be the same for you and your family soon during a 2nd Shoah (fingers crossed). When that happens, I'm going to sh*t on Israeli flags while dancing." StopAntisemitism reported these comments to Punchcut, resulting in the company severing all ties with Letort.
Elom Tettey-Tamaklo - Student
StopAntisemitism obtained footage revealing a troubling incident at Harvard during a pro-Hamas event. Several students could be seen surrounding a Jewish peer and harassing them by impeding the student's ability to walk freely. Through a meticulous investigation, StopAntisemitism identified one of the individuals involved as Elom Tettey-Tamklo, a second-year divinity student. In response to this disturbing revelation, Harvard promptly evicted Tettey-Tamklo from campus housing and relieved him of proctor duties.
StopAntisemitism reaffirms its unwavering solidarity with the Jewish people and nation. If you have an antisemitic incident to report, please do so here.
Am Israel Chai.
Original article: https://myemail.constantcontact.com/Deli...1bWWua7MvY
Balance 2.26.01 |
Posted by: leaderfirestar - 10-06-2024, 03:27 AM - Forum: Latest Balance Changes
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I'm keeping an eye on a few other characters with high usage since the update, but at this point, these are the 2 outliers who need attention
- Cang Du
- "Snake Claw" cooldown increased to one turn
- He might be my favorite of the batch, if for no other reason than that he's pretty easy to follow. That said, he's doing a little too well, so I want to slow down his ramp up
- Matsumoto Rangiku
- "Ash Slice" Cost change reverted (it now costs 1 red)
- In my mind considering this change, I had only really thought about the 20 damage aspect. It being amplified by her other skills slipped my mind. I'll keep her in mind and try to conjure up a different tweak that gives her some more strength
Noteworthy Bug Fixes:- Lloyd² no longer copies harmful affliction skills
- Mahito's "Spirit Body: Black Flash" tracker can now correctly no longer be removed (and by extension, no longer stuns infinitely)
- Armored Yoruichi's "Anti-Hierro Armor" correctly stays swapped to "Counterattack" after re-applying
- Lloyd² now correctly targets aoe with "Heilig Pfeil" after using "Cross Barrier"
- Lloyd² no longer reflects multiple skills in a turn with "Shapeshift"
- White no longer heals the turn after taking damage if he was at full health
- White's passive sticks around while he's reviving
- Driscoll Berci's "Koko Gonryo Riku" now correctly counters <= 15 (I forgot the equals in the code)
- Ebern Asguiaro's "Obliterator Shell's" stun is now correctly classified as harmful
- Ayasegawa Yumichika's "Energy Steal's" stun is now correctly classified as harmful
- Driscoll Berci's "Converge" now correctly deals piercing damage
- Many small typos
Balance 2.26 |
Posted by: leaderfirestar - 09-29-2024, 10:18 PM - Forum: Latest Balance Changes
- No Replies
- As Nodt - "Stolen Bankai: Murderscape" cannot be countered or reflected
- "Stolen Bankai: Shredding Wave" cannot be countered or reflected
- Small nudges
- Ben 10- "The Omnitrix V2" can no longer be removed
- Small quality of life
- Dangai Ichigo- "Become Getsuga" cooldown lowered to 0. Can no longer be ignored. Cannot be used while active
- If this skill gets countered, that's kind of a massive "fuck you" already. a 7 turn cooldown is icing on the cake
- Ebern Asguiaro- "Gear Shift" now grants 15 destructible defense
- Small nudge
- Gengar- "Destiny Bond" cost lowered to 1 red + 1 random, duration increased to 2 turns
- This skill acts like a bluff. A bluff that lasts for 2 turns is a lot trickier to deal with
- Hueco Mundo Byakuya- Deals 5 additional damage if "Severed Tendon" is active
- Keep in mind that his skills are instants, so this won't effect damage over time
- Ishida Uryu- "Heavenly Wild Puppet Suit" duration increased to 3 turns. Cooldown increased to 4 turns
- [i]A small quality of life thing for him. Ever since losing his ability to gain energy during the duration, I've been trying to figure out the correct duration/cooldown ratio for this skill[/i]
- Mahito- "Spirit Body: 200%" cost lowered to 1 random
- "Spirit Body: Repel" damage increased to 15
- "Polymorphic Soul Isomer's" cannot be killed effect now ends when Mahito dies
- Before the crying ensues, read the nerf to Senbonzakura. I think of this to be somewhat equivalent to Kon's s3, only instead of prepping with 1 random, you're using 4 energy in 2 turns to transform. Overall, just meant to be something to make going to his alt form worth considering. As for soul isomer, if you've read the soul boards post, A janky interaction was found where stealing the buff with Traitor Ginjo could produce an un-killable enemy team
- Matsumoto Rangiku- "Ash Slice" cost reduced to 1 random
- Maybe I'm just washed (I am), maybe I just suck (I do), but I feel like whenever I play her, she's always missing some follow up. Her s1/s3 are both great, but they cost a bit, and it's a bit difficult to get value out of the synergy her s2 has. The numbers seem to agree with me, so I'm trying this. I'll keep an eye on it though and see if the better players prove this to be too generous
- Hinamori Momo- "Fireball Explosion" cooldown increased to 1 turn
- Really trying to be careful with nerfing her. A lot of "mission teams" are her, kira, and someone, where she and kira have a 5 energy/2 turn kill threshold with the numbers. This threshold remains this way, while keeping her damage output lower overall
- Senbonzakura- "Barricade" no longer re-activates "Slaughterscape"
- After the buffs he has seen, he's good enough now to where I don't think he really needs it. That's not the elephant in the room, but should also remove the elephant from the room
Random Tip: Sometimes, it's better to save Energy for an explosive turn instead of using it the moment you get it!
Noteworthy Bug Fixes:- Matsumoto's "Ash Tornado" now correctly classifies the initial damage as "new" damage
- Isshin Shiba's random damage from "Burn, Engetsu" works correctly
- Fixed Sode No Shirayuki's cost reduction calculation
- Butterfly Aizen's "Shatter Displacement" now correctly only counters the target
- Yadomaru Lisa's "Iron Dragonfly Air Cut" invulnerability effect is no longer triggered if enemy is ignoring harmful effects
- Fixed condition for Ben 10's Chromaflect
- Fixed condition for Quilge Opie's Medallion counter
- Fixed stun calculations
Returning Player |
Posted by: Strife071 - 08-29-2024, 04:58 AM - Forum: Introductions and Farewells
- Replies (1)
Hello all, I found myself thinking about this game for quite some time but never bothered to search it up until last night. I was shocked to see this game has returned, as I had many fun times and memories playing it and grinding for characters. Even though my old account is long gone, I will still enjoy unlocking all of the characters I had and communicating with other players, old and new.
Balance 2.25 |
Posted by: leaderfirestar - 06-04-2024, 02:34 AM - Forum: Latest Balance Changes
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- Ashido Kano - "Single Slice" deals 10 extra damage for every invulnerability effect on Ashido
- "Group Slash" makes all invulnerability effects last 1 additional turn on Ashido
- I worded it specifically to say Ashido because if I said "on this character," some "person" would yell at me because they attacked a character who was invul and it didn't deal bonus damage. If muramasa steals this skill, it will deal bonus damage if muramasa is invul. I'm open to phrasing suggestions, provided it's short
- Ayasegawa Yumichika- "Blooming Flower" additionally removes all harmful affliction effects from himself
- More anti affliction options
- Fullbringer Ichigo lvl 2- "Reiatsu Assault" increases his damage by 10 for 2 turns (up from 1)
- "Oops, all twos! For real though, I was cautious releasing this guy, but it's now apparent that it won't hurt anything to have this duration match his other skill's duration
- Ishida Uryu- "Kojaku Shot" now deals 10 additional damage to enemies affected by "Energy Chain Shot"
- Small quality of life change for him. Unless you've been facing "action damage amp" teams, you've not had much reason to use this skill. Now, it might be worth considering
- Kurosaki Karin- "Foul" additionally stuns affliction skills
- More anti affliction options
- Matsumoto Rangiku- "Ash Slice" will now stun enemies "Ash Tornado" is active on
- To clarify, as long as the icon for ash tornado is on the enemy, this will stun them
- Omaeda Marechiyo- "Red Smoke's" effects work on all skills (rather than just non-strategic skills)
- Omaeda has been underperforming a bit for a little too long now. I truly believe his numbers are good, and with the utility he provides from his other skills, he should be much scarier now
- Zaraki Kenpachi- "Bloodlust" starts at 20%
- It takes 3 or 4 turns of being hit before his damage reduction has really come into play. This lowers it by a turn, and should in turn make him a little more survivable
- Edrad Liones- "Spiritual Punch" only gives bonus damage for 1 turn (down from 2)
- I'm not sure how I feel about doing this, as I'm a believer that Edrad is only doing as well as affliction in general is doing. that said, I understand people are tired of affliction. Crazy to think how people have hated every kind of team this game can offer. Yet we still click those boxes
- Kotetsu Isane- "Binding Spell #58: Tracking Sparrows" no longer ignores invulnerability
- She's still plenty good, just not a super star
- Kurotsuchi Mayuri- "Ally Bomb" cooldown increased to 2 turns
- Ally bomb is an incredibly nice way to get free damage onto an enemy. With a cooldown of 1, it has been a very dependable source of damage, and I hope dialing it back will prevent me from needing to touch him farther
- Ryujin Jakka- "Reformation" no longer grants energy
- The zanpakuto batch was weird. If memory serves, this energy gain effect was there to try and justify the fact that the rest of his kit didn't feel good. Since he flows much nicer these days, I don't think there's any real objection to removing the energy gain effect
- Zommari Leroux- "Amor" no longer increases the cost of strategic skills
- Womp womp
- Hirako Shinji- "Collapse, Sakanade" change: Shinji targets himself, permanently allowing 'Inverted World' to be used. Afterwards, this skill can be used for 1 blue energy to deal 20 affliction damage to one enemy, and increase the cost of their skills by 1 random for 1 turn.
- Okay. I'm going to pretend you all have figured out that by hovering over his mask icon, you can see how many skills he's used, and can deduce if he's used his second or third skill. With that faith in you all, my assumption is that he's performing well because of boosted affliction damage. This checks out given the whole Hollow Ichigo thing not too awful long ago. As such, I'm flipping this skill on its head. More power later in the game so his 1v1 isn't a guaranteed loss (provided your opponent looks at your mask) at the cost of setup. For now, I've kept the cost at a random just because I genuinely have no idea what he'll look like with this change. I fear lowering it to free would make him a bit bonkers
Random Tip:
Under the game manual tab, there is a section called "the basics" which goes into detail on the game's mechanics, from Instant/Action/Control to terminology and everything in between. If you're having issues understanding how/why some skills interact with each other, that's a great spot to investigate!
Noteworthy Bug Fixes:- Kirikaze's "Sword Absorption" stun duration is no longer infinite
- Shrieker's "Spawn Artillery" now correctly increases the cost of people hit by "Tuning Fork Bomb Explosion"
- Runuganga's "Sand Vortex" now correctly checks if his physical skills have been stunned when it gets canceled
- Yachiru Kusajishi's "Face Stomp" damage over time does the correct damage
- Madarame Ikkaku's "Grow, Houzukimaru" is now classified as an invulnerability skill with regards to Coyote Starrk's "Analysis" and Hirako Shinji's "Inverted World"
- Hueco Mundo Byakuya can no longer target enemies with "Execution" if they're ignoring the harmful effect of "Pivotal Scene"
- Senna's "Blade of Recollection" now correctly only heals when damaging skills are used on the victim
- Weird race condition with Ascended Aizen's "Soul Dissolution" damage threshold resolved
- Fixed issue where buffs that remain on Aaroniero Arruruerie post transformation are tied to the character he was transformed into
- Skills that target Aoe-Self now correctly hit allies if the person who was clicked became invulnerable as a result of being targeted
- Kyoko Haida's "Slay" should be correctly enabled/disabled when the enemy is marked by unfortunate gift
- Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez's "Caja Negacion" no longer removes itself when triggered if he died since casting it